Our Team

Chickadee Tales, LLC

Chickadee Tales, LLC is a tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) designer, offering transformational games fostering healthy relationships through shared storytelling and critical problem solving. Instead of mechanics about destroying and looting found in so many TTRPGs, we want players' toolsets to facilitate healing, building, and organizing community. Players should interact with fully dimensional characters and scenarios to feel clever for problem-solving without dice rolling/randomization mechanics.

We take our collaboration with contractors seriously and commit to a Living Wage that values our collaborators’ quality of life.

Rachel with short brown hair and brown eyes against a colorful abstract painting.

Rachel Atwood

Founder & Creative Lead

Rachel is many things, among them a queer Jew, a food history nerd, and a lifelong fantasy and sci-fi lover. They are also proudly neurodivergent. They are grateful for the rare opportunity to work full-time on bringing a creative vision to life with some amazing people. In a prior life, not so long ago, they were a product manager and UX researcher in health tech. A quintessential jack of all trades, they bring a background in design, user research, project management, and healthcare to this project.

Wren né Jonathan

Wren Davidson

Founder & Business Lead

Wren (Jonathan) enjoys indie comics, game design, video games, and switching between player and GM in TTRPGs. They are passionate about open access and open source and really look forward to seeing what the community might do with Society of Rafa when given the chance. She's also an excellent administrator keeping the operations side of this venture alive, but he is a Staff Data Engineer by day.


Meet the wonderful people passionately helping bring Society of Rafa to life.

Kelly looking into the camera with blond died hair.

Kelly Ronveaux

lllustrator  Twitter logo

Kelly is a self-taught artist from the Philippines who, at the moment, spends 25% of her time being a college student, and 75% of her time freelancing as an illustrator. Inspired by the art of Ghibli films, maximalist decor, and the idea of living in a forest, her goal is to make colorful and comforting art that people will enjoy looking at. When she isn’t busy with school or art, she spends hours crocheting, baking cookies, and mulling over massive jigsaw puzzles.

Rebecca with black hair and glasses looking at the camera.

Rebecca Beit-Aharon


Rebecca is a public history graduate student at University of Massachusetts Boston and a nonprofit administrator with previous experience in museum education and project management. She spent two years as an editorial assistant for the New England Quarterly, an academic journal, and has been published in History News and elsewhere. She is a passionate lover of folklore, fantasy, and Judaism; a digital artist and fanfiction author; and a fledgling D&D content creator.

Bob looking at the camera wearing glasses and and hat that says death in heavy metal script.

Bob H Boyd

Game Consultant

Bob has worked a number of professions and practiced many different styles of writing at one time or another. They currently write content for education technology and are thrilled to find a professional outlet for their TTRPG obsession. Especially one that is so creatively and spiritually gratifying. Bob is neurodivergent and, in between therapy sessions, also lives in the southeastern United States. They have a tiny dog with a big name: Harpsichord. Bob is also trying to learn embroidery, among other things.

Other Attribution

We're happy to shout out the work others have contributed (not required by open licensing, etc). This list won't be exhaustive but may help users trace components that they might like to use as well.

Maycon Prasniewski designed our Society of Rafa logo and helped conceptualize some of our graphic design.

Daniel Cetlin composed the music for our Kickstarter trailer.

We really love the icons which we used for Handbook categories, which we licensed from Olena Panasovska.

We are also using BetterDocs for the site wiki and Pods for backend objects like Medical Records.